
David Wilson's Family Lines Chart Christine MacLeod's Family Lines Chart Back to David's Home Page
A family tree browser starting with Abraham Abrahams

Note that all the names on the web pages are 'click-able', calling up that persons information pages. Birth dates (day / month) for
living people have been left out for security reasons.

David, Jim, Rob, Rick, Chris Wilson Christine in the Louvre Paris Christine MacLeod and David Wilson
Wilson boys (L-R) Rick, Rob, David,
Jim, Chris in front.
Christine in the Louvre Paris Christine MacLeod and

David Wilson

Myrth Abrahams with Pam Ernst and Lucy Wilson Jessie Vickers
Myrth Abrahams with Pam
(my mother)
Ernst and Lucy Wilson
(my father's parents)
Jessie Vickers
(Christine's mother)


Contact: dnwilson@chenopod.net

Last Updated 2014-01-28